Top 25 Cigars of 2024
Every year, the cigar industry introduces a wave of new blends, each vying for the attention of cigar enthusiasts and aficionados worldwide. These new releases tantalize the senses, offering unique flavors, craftsmanship, and experiences for cigar lovers to explore.
At Cigar & Spirits Magazine, our mission is to guide you through the ever-expanding world of premium cigars. Throughout the year, we meticulously evaluate and rate numerous cigars to identify those that stand above the rest. In 2024 we rated 180 cigars, as the year comes to a close, our dedication to providing authoritative insights culminates in our highly anticipated Top 25 Cigars of 2024.
Our selection process is as refined as the cigars themselves. Here’s how we do it:
Comprehensive Evaluation: We consider cigars released throughout the year, judging them on construction, flavor complexity, balance, and overall smoking experience.
Blind Tasting: To eliminate bias, we remove the original bands and replace them with numbered labels, ensuring our panel evaluates solely on the quality of the cigar.
Expert Panel: A dedicated team of seasoned cigar experts smokes and scores each entry through multiple rounds of rigorous blind testing.
The Final Showdown: The top-scoring cigars are pitted against one another in head-to-head rounds to determine their place in the final ranking.
The Top 25 Cigars of 2024 represent the pinnacle of craftsmanship, offering unmatched quality, flavor profiles, and unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, this year’s list guarantees something exceptional for every palate.
For over a decade, Cigar & Spirits Magazine has been a trusted authority in the world of luxury cigars and premium spirits. Our rankings are informed by decades of expertise and a deep passion for the craft. This year’s top selections are no exception—they exemplify the best the industry has to offer.