Vintage Cigar Lounge Opens in Dubai A Luxurious Haven for Cigar Aficionados

Vintage Cigars Group has unveiled its latest masterpiece, the Vintage Cigar Lounge Dubai, following the successful launch of the Amarati Cigar brand. This sophisticated destination represents the brand’s first foray into the Middle East, with exciting plans for further expansion in 2025.

Prime Location: Al Barsha’s Luxury Hub

Strategically located in Dubai’s elite district of Al Barsha, the Vintage Cigar Lounge is perfectly positioned between the Mall of the Emirates and Dubai Hills Mall. This vibrant area, home to world-renowned luxury brands like Dior, Louis Vuitton, and Rolex, offers an ideal backdrop for Vintage Cigar Lounge's blend of upscale elegance and modern sophistication.

Vintage Cigar Lounge Dubai Humidor

A Modern Take on the Classic Cigar Lounge

The design of the Vintage Cigar Lounge redefines what a cigar lounge can be. Combining modern architecture with minimalist luxury, the space features:

  • Lavish Smoking Lounge: A grand area tailored for comfort and style.

  • Private VIP Rooms: Exclusive spaces for a more intimate cigar experience.

  • Premium Retail Area: Showcasing the world’s top cigar brands within the UAE’s most expansive humidor.

With rich wood finishes, plush furnishings, and captivating lighting, the lounge creates an inviting atmosphere for cigar enthusiasts.

Vintage Cigar Lounge Dubai

Exclusive Collection and Superior Experience

The lounge’s curated retail selection offers a range of premium cigars from globally renowned brands. This extensive collection, housed in the largest humidor in the UAE, caters to the refined tastes of seasoned cigar lovers and novices alike.

Amer Al Tamimi, the visionary founder of Amarati, emphasized the unique value of the lounge:

“Vintage Cigar Lounge is more than just a venue—it’s an experience. Our goal was to create a space that elevates the cigar experience to new heights, blending luxury, comfort, and community. This lounge is also a home for Amarati, where we can share our passion for excellence with the world.”

A Landmark for Cigar Aficionados

From its premium cigars to its luxurious ambiance, the Vintage Cigar Lounge Dubai is set to become a landmark destination for cigar connoisseurs in the region. This launch is not just about cigars; it’s about celebrating artistry, elegance, and community.

Visit Vintage Cigar Lounge Dubai

Discover the future of luxury cigar experiences at Vintage Cigar Lounge Dubai—a true testament to sophistication, community, and the art of cigars.


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